HomeDestinationsWorld Cruises

Departure calendar World Cruises

Have you already decided when will be your next cruise with destination World Cruises? Whatever month you choose will be the perfect opportunity to set off to discover the local wonders

Cruises World Cruises

90 cruises

World Cruises: Chile, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Maldives, Seychelles, Madagascar, South Africa, Namibia, Senegal, Spain, Italy

Valparaiso Itinerary World Cruises
from $13,258
price per person Taxes included
6 reservations in 72 hours
MSC Magnifica | Feb. 10, 2025
Duration: 83 nights
Departure from: Valparaiso Landing: Civitavecchia
1. Valparaiso,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. Hanga Roa,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. Papeete,
13. Papeete,
14. Moorea,
15. navigation,
16. Aitutaki,
17. Rarotonga,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. navigation,
23. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
24. Auckland,
25. Tauranga,
26. navigation,
27. Christchurch,
28. Port Chalmers,
29. navigation,
30. navigation,
31. Hobart,
32. navigation,
33. Sydney,
34. Sydney,
35. Eden,
36. navigation,
37. Melbourne,
38. navigation,
39. Adelaide,
40. Kangaroo Island,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. Albany,
44. Busselton,
45. Perth,
46. Perth,
47. navigation,
48. navigation,
49. navigation,
50. navigation,
51. navigation,
52. navigation,
53. navigation,
54. Male,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. Victoria,
58. navigation,
59. Nosy Be,
60. navigation,
61. navigation,
62. navigation,
63. navigation,
64. Port Elizabeth,
65. navigation,
66. Cape Town,
67. navigation,
68. Walvis Bay,
69. navigation,
70. navigation,
71. navigation,
72. navigation,
73. navigation,
74. navigation,
75. navigation,
76. Dakar,
77. navigation,
78. navigation,
79. Fuerteventura,
80. navigation,
81. navigation,
82. navigation,
83. Palermo,
84. Civitavecchia

World Cruises: France, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Cape Verde, Brazil, Argentina, Falkland Islands, Chile, French Polynesia, Cook Islands, New Zealand, Australia, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Samoa, American Samoa, Hawaii, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Jamaica, British Virgin Islands, Sint Maarten, Italy

Marseille Itinerary World Cruises
from $31,683
price per person Taxes included
7 reservations in 48 hours
MSC Musica | Jan. 6, 2027
Duration: 121 nights
Departure from: Marseille Landing: Marseille
1. Marseille,
2. Barcelona,
3. navigation,
4. Gibraltar,
5. Casablanca,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. Mindelo,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. Salvador,
15. navigation,
16. Rio de Janeiro,
17. Rio de Janeiro,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. Buenos Aires,
21. Buenos Aires,
22. navigation,
23. navigation,
24. Puerto Madryn,
25. navigation,
26. Port Stanley,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. Ushuaia,
30. Ushuaia,
31. navigation,
32. navigation,
33. Puerto Montt,
34. navigation,
35. Valparaiso,
36. Valparaiso,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. navigation,
41. Hanga Roa,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Papeete,
48. Papeete,
49. Moorea,
50. navigation,
51. Aitutaki,
52. Rarotonga,
53. navigation,
54. navigation,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
59. Auckland,
60. Tauranga,
61. navigation,
62. Christchurch,
63. Port Chalmers,
64. navigation,
65. navigation,
66. Hobart,
67. Hobart,
68. navigation,
69. Sydney,
70. Sydney,
71. navigation,
72. navigation,
73. Noumea,
74. navigation,
75. Luganville,
76. navigation,
77. navigation,
78. navigation,
79. Apia,
80. Pago Pago,
81. navigation,
82. navigation,
83. navigation,
84. navigation,
85. navigation,
86. Honolulu,
87. Hilo,
88. navigation,
89. navigation,
90. navigation,
91. navigation,
92. navigation,
93. Los Angeles,
94. navigation,
95. navigation,
96. Cabo San Lucas,
97. navigation,
98. navigation,
99. navigation,
100. Puntarenas,
101. Panama Canal,
102. navigation,
103. Panama Canal,
104. navigation,
105. Ocho Rios,
106. navigation,
107. navigation,
108. Tortola Island,
109. Philipsburg,
110. navigation,
111. navigation,
112. navigation,
113. navigation,
114. navigation,
115. navigation,
116. Las Palmas,
117. navigation,
118. navigation,
119. Palma de Mallorca,
120. navigation,
121. Naples,
122. Civitavecchia,
123. Genoa,
124. Marseille

World Cruises: South Africa, Namibia, Cape Verde, Portugal, Gibraltar, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Montenegro, Malta, France, Spain, Morocco, United States, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico

Cape Town Itinerary World Cruises
from $9,809
price per person Taxes included
Island Princess | Mar. 9, 2025
Duration: 69 nights
Departure from: Cape Town Landing: Los Angeles
1. Cape Town,
2. Cape Town,
3. navigation,
4. Walvis Bay,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. Mindelo,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Funchal,
16. navigation,
17. Gibraltar,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. Syracuse,
21. navigation,
22. Athens,
23. Volos,
24. Patmos,
25. Kusadasi,
26. Rhodes,
27. Chania ,
28. navigation,
29. Dubrovnik,
30. Bar,
31. Taranto,
32. Valletta,
33. navigation,
34. Civitavecchia,
35. Ajaccio,
36. Livorno,
37. Genoa,
38. Villefranche Sur Mer,
39. Marseille,
40. Barcelona,
41. navigation,
42. Cadiz,
43. Casablanca,
44. navigation,
45. Arrecife,
46. Las Palmas,
47. navigation,
48. navigation,
49. navigation,
50. navigation,
51. navigation,
52. navigation,
53. navigation,
54. navigation,
55. Fort Lauderdale,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. Cartagena ,
59. navigation,
60. navigation,
61. navigation,
62. Puntarenas,
63. navigation,
64. Puerto Quetzal,
65. navigation,
66. navigation,
67. Puerto Vallarta,
68. navigation,
69. navigation,
70. Los Angeles

World Cruises: Portugal, Spain, Cape Verde, Senegal, Gambia, Cote dIvoire, Ghana, Ecuador, Sao Tome and Principe, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, France, Mauritius, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam

Lisbon Itinerary World Cruises
from $28,667
price per person Taxes included
Sirena | Nov. 7, 2025
Duration: 59 nights
Departure from: Lisbon Landing: Bangkok
1. Lisbon,
2. navigation,
3. Funchal,
4. Santa Cruz De La Palma,
5. Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. Mindelo,
9. navigation,
10. Dakar,
11. Banjul,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. Abidjan,
15. Takoradi,
16. Bartolome Island,
17. navigation,
18. Sao Tome,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. Walvis Bay,
23. Walvis Bay,
24. navigation,
25. Cape Town,
26. Cape Town,
27. Mossel Bay,
28. navigation,
29. Durban,
30. navigation,
31. Maputo,
32. navigation,
33. navigation,
34. navigation,
35. Pointe Des Galets,
36. Port Louis,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. navigation,
41. Male,
42. navigation,
43. Colombo,
44. Galle,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Phuket,
48. Penang,
49. Port Klang,
50. Singapore,
51. Singapore,
52. navigation,
53. Ho Chi Minh,
54. Ho Chi Minh,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. Ko Kut,
58. Ko Samui,
59. Bangkok,
60. Bangkok

World Cruises: Australia, Mauritius, South Africa, Namibia, Cape Verde, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, Portugal, France, Ireland, United Kingdom

Adelaide Itinerary World Cruises
from $11,303
price per person Taxes included
Crown Princess | Jun. 7, 2025
Duration: 53 nights
Departure from: Adelaide Landing: Dover
1. Adelaide,
2. navigation,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. Perth,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. Port Louis,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. navigation,
17. navigation,
18. navigation,
19. Cape Town,
20. Cape Town,
21. navigation,
22. Walvis Bay,
23. navigation,
24. navigation,
25. navigation,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. navigation,
30. Mindelo,
31. navigation,
32. navigation,
33. Las Palmas,
34. navigation,
35. Casablanca,
36. Gibraltar,
37. navigation,
38. Valencia,
39. Barcelona,
40. Palma de Mallorca,
41. Cartagena ,
42. Tanger,
43. Cadiz,
44. Lisbon,
45. navigation,
46. Bilbao,
47. Bordeaux,
48. navigation,
49. Cork,
50. navigation,
51. Glasgow,
52. Liverpool,
53. navigation,
54. Dover

World Cruises: Australia, Indonesia, Philippines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, Reunion, South Africa, Namibia, Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Germany

Sydney Itinerary World Cruises
from $15,627
price per person Taxes included
Queen Victoria | Feb. 24, 2027
Duration: 67 nights
Departure from: Sydney Landing: Hamburg
1. Sydney,
2. Sydney,
3. navigation,
4. navigation,
5. Airlie Beach,
6. Cairns,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. Bitung,
13. navigation,
14. Puerto Princesa,
15. navigation,
16. Manila,
17. navigation,
18. Hong Kong,
19. Hong Kong,
20. navigation,
21. Da Nang,
22. navigation,
23. Ho Chi Minh,
24. navigation,
25. Singapore,
26. Singapore,
27. Port Klang,
28. navigation,
29. navigation,
30. navigation,
31. navigation,
32. navigation,
33. navigation,
34. Port Louis,
35. Saint Denis,
36. navigation,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. Durban,
40. navigation,
41. navigation,
42. Port Elizabeth,
43. navigation,
44. Cape Town,
45. Cape Town,
46. navigation,
47. navigation,
48. Walvis Bay,
49. navigation,
50. navigation,
51. navigation,
52. navigation,
53. navigation,
54. navigation,
55. navigation,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
59. Funchal,
60. Funchal,
61. navigation,
62. navigation,
63. navigation,
64. Southampton,
65. navigation,
66. Hamburg
sold out

Singapore, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Croatia, Malta, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, United Kingdom, United States

Singapore Itinerary World Cruises
from $12,327
price per person Taxes included
Coral Princess | Mar. 10, 2026
Duration: 51 nights
Departure from: Singapore Landing: Fort Lauderdale
1. Singapore,
2. navigation,
3. Phuket,
4. navigation,
5. navigation,
6. Colombo,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. Limassol,
17. Rhodes,
18. Heraklion,
19. Athens,
20. Santorini,
21. navigation,
22. Kotor,
23. Split,
24. Dubrovnik,
25. Korfu,
26. navigation,
27. Valletta,
28. Catania,
29. Naples,
30. Civitavecchia,
31. Livorno,
32. Toulon,
33. Barcelona,
34. navigation,
35. Ceuta,
36. Lisbon,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. Le Havre,
40. Zeebrugge,
41. Dover,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. navigation,
45. Ponta Delgada,
46. navigation,
47. navigation,
48. navigation,
49. navigation,
50. navigation,
51. navigation,
52. Fort Lauderdale

World Cruises: Italy, France, Spain, Morocco, Barbados, Colombia, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, United Kingdom, French Polynesia, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Mauritius, South Africa, Namibia, Cape Verde

Savona Itinerary World Cruises
from $24,593
price per person Taxes included
Costa Deliziosa | Nov. 25, 2025
Duration: 132 nights
Departure from: Savona Landing: Savona
1. Savona,
2. Marseille,
3. Barcelona,
4. navigation,
5. Casablanca,
6. navigation,
7. Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. Bridgetown,
14. navigation,
15. navigation,
16. Cartagena De Indias,
17. Colon,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. Manta,
21. Manta,
22. navigation,
23. navigation,
24. Lima,
25. navigation,
26. Arica,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. Santiago,
30. Santiago,
31. navigation,
32. navigation,
33. navigation,
34. navigation,
35. Easter Island,
36. Easter Island,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. Pitcairn Islands,
40. navigation,
41. navigation,
42. Papeete,
43. Raiatea,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Apia,
48. navigation,
49. Nuku Alofa,
50. navigation,
51. Suva,
52. navigation,
53. Mystery Island,
54. Port Vila,
55. Lifou,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. navigation,
59. Sydney,
60. Sydney,
61. navigation,
62. navigation,
63. Brisbane,
64. navigation,
65. navigation,
66. Cairns,
67. navigation,
68. navigation,
69. Rabaul,
70. navigation,
71. navigation,
72. navigation,
73. navigation,
74. navigation,
75. Tokyo,
76. Tokyo,
77. navigation,
78. Kobe,
79. navigation,
80. Nagasaki,
81. Busan,
82. navigation,
83. Keelung,
84. navigation,
85. Hong Kong,
86. Hong Kong,
87. navigation,
88. Da Nang,
89. navigation,
90. Phu My,
91. navigation,
92. Singapore,
93. Singapore,
94. Port Klang,
95. Penang,
96. navigation,
97. navigation,
98. Colombo,
99. navigation,
100. Male,
101. navigation,
102. navigation,
103. navigation,
104. navigation,
105. Port Louis,
106. Port Louis,
107. navigation,
108. navigation,
109. navigation,
110. Durban,
111. navigation,
112. Port Elizabeth,
113. navigation,
114. Cape Town,
115. navigation,
116. navigation,
117. Walvis Bay,
118. navigation,
119. navigation,
120. navigation,
121. navigation,
122. navigation,
123. navigation,
124. navigation,
125. Mindelo,
126. navigation,
127. navigation,
128. Las Palmas,
129. navigation,
130. navigation,
131. Barcelona,
132. Marseille,
133. Savona

World Cruises: Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, United Kingdom, Bermuda, United States, Turks and Caicos, Barbados, Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Netherlands Antilles, Portugal

Hamburg Itinerary World Cruises
from $20,919
price per person Taxes included
2 reservations in 72 hours
Queen Anne | Jan. 5, 2027
Duration: 90 nights
Departure from: Hamburg Landing: Hamburg
1. Hamburg,
2. navigation,
3. Rotterdam,
4. Brussels,
5. Brussels,
6. Southampton,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. navigation,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. Bermuda,
15. navigation,
16. navigation,
17. Port Canaveral,
18. Fort Lauderdale,
19. navigation,
20. Grand Turk,
21. navigation,
22. navigation,
23. Bridgetown,
24. navigation,
25. navigation,
26. navigation,
27. navigation,
28. Fortaleza,
29. navigation,
30. navigation,
31. Salvador,
32. navigation,
33. Armacao Dos Buzios,
34. Rio de Janeiro,
35. Rio de Janeiro,
36. Santos,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. Montevideo,
40. Buenos Aires,
41. Buenos Aires,
42. navigation,
43. navigation,
44. Puerto Madryn,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Ushuaia,
48. Cape Horn,
49. Punta Arenas,
50. navigation,
51. navigation,
52. navigation,
53. Puerto Montt,
54. navigation,
55. Valparaiso,
56. Valparaiso,
57. Coquimbo,
58. navigation,
59. navigation,
60. Arica,
61. navigation,
62. Lima,
63. Lima,
64. navigation,
65. navigation,
66. Manta,
67. navigation,
68. Balboa,
69. navigation,
70. navigation,
71. Aruba,
72. navigation,
73. navigation,
74. Fort Lauderdale,
75. Port Canaveral,
76. navigation,
77. navigation,
78. navigation,
79. navigation,
80. navigation,
81. navigation,
82. navigation,
83. navigation,
84. Ponta Delgada,
85. navigation,
86. navigation,
87. navigation,
88. Southampton,
89. Brussels,
90. navigation,
91. Hamburg

World Cruises: United States, Hawaii, French Polynesia, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Mauritius, South Africa, Namibia, Spain, United Kingdom, France

Los Angeles Itinerary World Cruises
from $18,062
price per person Taxes included
Queen Mary 2 | Feb. 3, 2026
Duration: 94 nights
Departure from: Los Angeles Landing: New York
1. Los Angeles,
2. navigation,
3. San Francisco,
4. San Francisco,
5. navigation,
6. navigation,
7. navigation,
8. navigation,
9. Honolulu,
10. navigation,
11. navigation,
12. navigation,
13. navigation,
14. navigation,
15. Papeete,
16. navigation,
17. Moorea,
18. navigation,
19. navigation,
20. navigation,
21. navigation,
22. navigation,
23. navigation,
24. Waitangi (Bay Of Islands),
25. Auckland,
26. Tauranga,
27. navigation,
28. navigation,
29. navigation,
30. Sydney,
31. Sydney,
32. navigation,
33. Brisbane,
34. navigation,
35. navigation,
36. Cairns,
37. navigation,
38. navigation,
39. navigation,
40. Darwin,
41. navigation,
42. navigation,
43. Bitung,
44. navigation,
45. navigation,
46. navigation,
47. Hong Kong,
48. Hong Kong,
49. navigation,
50. Da Nang,
51. navigation,
52. navigation,
53. Singapore,
54. Singapore,
55. Port Klang,
56. navigation,
57. navigation,
58. navigation,
59. navigation,
60. navigation,
61. navigation,
62. Port Louis,
63. navigation,
64. navigation,
65. navigation,
66. Durban,
67. navigation,
68. navigation,
69. Cape Town,
70. Cape Town,
71. navigation,
72. Walvis Bay,
73. navigation,
74. navigation,
75. navigation,
76. navigation,
77. navigation,
78. navigation,
79. navigation,
80. navigation,
81. Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
82. navigation,
83. Cadiz,
84. navigation,
85. navigation,
86. Southampton,
87. Le Havre,
88. navigation,
89. navigation,
90. navigation,
91. navigation,
92. navigation,
93. navigation,
94. New York
90 cruises

World Cruises: Curiosities and suggestions

Read the most frequently asked questions and answers by cruisers about the destination {zone}

A complete Round-the-World Cruise starts at €12,499 per person for over 100 nights. It's also possible to purchase individual segments of the Round-the-World Cruise at reduced prices based on the number of nights. Prices vary depending on the chosen cabin category and the cruise line. Each year, various cruise lines organize different itineraries, typically starting in the first week of January. The duration of the complete Round-the-World Cruise is about 100 nights. To get the best prices and cabins with the best views, it's recommended to book at least 1 year in advance.

Reviews World Cruises

8 reviews with average 8.00

Discover the impressions and ratings of other cruisers about cruises World Cruises. Evaluate the experiences of others and make the right choice

star star star star star 9/10

Patrizia Gonzaga Monday, June 3, 2024
star star star 5/10

Domenico Scialla Wednesday, May 8, 2024
star star star 5/10

Marina Del Mondo-balcone Monday, May 6, 2024
star 1/10

Mauro Francesco Angelo Moroni Stampa Saturday, May 4, 2024
star star star 5/10

Maite Herrera Martinez Saturday, March 30, 2024
star star star star star 9/10

Marielouise Salinetti Sunday, May 14, 2023
star star star star star 10/10

Lafratta Carmela Saturday, May 13, 2023
star star star 6/10

zaniol guerrino Friday, May 12, 2023
star star star star star 9/10

Mauro Francesco Angelo Moroni Stampa Thursday, May 4, 2023
star star star star 8/10

Angelo Morresi Saturday, April 1, 2023

Ports of departure World Cruises

Get ready to experience your sea holiday with destination World Cruises aboard the best cruise ships operating from the main ports of the region

World Cruises: the ships

Get ready to experience your sea holiday aboard the best cruise ships operating from the main ports of the World Cruises area

World Cruises: The countries to visit

Immerse yourself fully in the local culture and get ready to discover the wonders and gastronomy of the destination World Cruises, one of the most loved and visited in the world.

  • Other nations