Excursion Medieval tarquinia by trolley train tour at Civitavecchia

Cruise line: Silversea

Depart for the scenic drive from Civitavecchia to Tarquinia, followed by a panoramic tour of the medieval old town by trolley train. Enjoy the opportunity of some free time and taste a delicious Ice cream..

Tarquinia & Medieval Old Town by Trolley Train

Begin your tour with a drive to Tarquinia, founded in the 7th century BC, and now known for the magnificent Etruscan necropolis and get the opportunity to discover the medieval town on board your Trolley Train. You will see the Palazzo Vitelleschi - an excellent example of early Renaissance architecture, which houses Archaeological Museum, the Cathedral of Santa Margherita and the Church of Santa Maria in Castello.

Ice cream, Free time

After the Trolley ride your guide will provide you a coupon to savour a delicious ice cream in a local Gelateria that you can use during the given free time.

Re-board your coach for the 30-minute drive back to Civitavecchia.

Points of interests

Points of interest seen on this excursion may include: Panoramic Tour by Trolley Train, Tarquinia Medieval Town, Ice Cream


Please Note: This tour is offered only to those guests continuing on to the following cruise. It involves a minimal amount of walking and a few steps to negotiate to get on/off the coach and the trolley train. Walking during free time is at guest's discretion. It is suitable for guests with limited mobility who can are embark/disembark the coach and the trolley train. The tour sequence may vary depending on traffic or local conditions, however always covering the scheduled itinerary.